Hire - Sale Lifting Equipment, Welding / Cutting Machine & General Contractor

Our Custumers

About some customers who have used our services

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 Some of the customers who have previously used our units include:


       *  PT. ALTUS LOGISTICS SERVICES INDONESIA (Shore Base Logistic Support Medco Energy - Bangkanai Luwe Hulu Kalteng) (Shore Base Logistic Support PHE

          Tarakan - Kaltara & Balikpapan)

       *  PT. BATUTUA TEMBAGA RAYA (Jetty Development Project Support & Processing Activity Support, Pulau Wetar - Maluku Barat Daya)

       *  PT. INDEXIM COALINDO (Conveyor Coal Development Project & Assembly Heavy Equipment    Excavator)

       *  PT. BUKIT MAKMUR (BUMA) (Unit Assembly and Mining Activity in Buntok, Kuala Kurun, and Luwe Hulu, Kalteng)

       *  PT. PP (PERSERO) TBK. (Main Bridge Erection for Project Jembatan Mahakam IV, Samarinda, Kaltim)

       *  PT. JO - RDMP (Supporting Piping Project RDMP Project RDMP for Pertamina  RU.V Balikpapan)

       *  PT. WIKA BETON (PERSERO) TBK. (Project RDMP for Pertamina Balikpapan)

       *  PT. HALMAHERA INDOESERV / JO- RDMP. (EPC Tank ISBL/OSBL Project  RDMP for Pertamina RU.V Balikpapan)

       *  PT. ENVIROMATE TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL (Spherical Tank RDMP  Project RDMP for Pertamina RU.V Balikpapan) (Gold Processing Project 2x4000 PT.

          Citra Palu Mineral Poboya - Sulteng)

       *  PT. JURONG ENGINEERING LESTARI (Piping Project RDMP Project RDMP for Pertamina RU.V Balikpapan)

       *  PT. AIR PRODUCT (Oleo Refinery Project - PT. Perindustian Sawit Synergi)

       *  PT. CEMENT CONCH INDONESIA (Upgrade Development Plant Project)

       *  PT. ALACTEX - ADHI KARYA (Development Bendungan - IKN)

       *  PT. PUPUK KALTIM (Shutdown Activity)

       *  PT. EXPRO INDONESIA (Oil Tool Loading Activity in Balikpapan, Kaltim)

       *  PT. HALLIBURTON INDONESIA (Oil Tool Loading Activity in Balikpapan, Kaltim)

       *  PT. SCHLUMBERGER (Oil Tool Loading Activity in Balikpapan, Kaltim)

       *  PT. BMKU (TA I Maintenance Project for Pertamina)

       *  PT. SBB (Stock Bridge Budong Budong) (Oil Drilling Facility)

       *  PT. BAKER HUGHES GE INDONESIA (Oil Tool Loading Activity in Balikpapan)

       *  PT. ELNUSA (Loading and Unloading Rig Up and Rig Down)

       *  PT. SANDVIK MINING & CONSTRUCTION INDONESIA (Loading and Unloading Drill Blasting Unit)

       *  PT. COATES HIRE INDONESIA (Loading and Unloading, Load Test, Frame and Basket Equipment)

       *  PT. WEIR MINERALS MULTIFLO (Loading and Unloading Ponton)

       *  PT. MEINDO LANG INDAH (Erection of GAS ENI Terminal in Handil, Kaltim)

       *  PT. PENAJAM BENUA TAKAI ASTRA INFRA PORT (Technip FMC ENI Project in Eastkal)

       *  PT. PETROSEA (Assembly and Disassembly of Heavy Equipment)

       *  PT. THIESS CONTRACTORS INDONESIA (Assembly and Disassembly of Heavy Equipment in Melak, Kaltim)

       *  And several other construction projects.


These customers have utilized our services and equipment for various projects and activities.

"PT. Sarana Servis Indonesia" always provides the best prices and services for your needs

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 Tel:    + (62) 821-5074-2584

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